Welcome to autobuilds.tribbeck.com
This contains automated builds of some of my projects. These are built using Jenkins, with a GitLab back-end.
Note that these services are not publically accessible (although some of the repositories are). If you want access to them, then please feel free to email me. If you don't know my email address, then there isn't really any reason why you'd need access to the repositories!
Amethyst is an embeddable basic ARM emulator, with a very old embeddable ARM assembler (the latter is used for unit testing the ARM emulator)
Equinox is a game I started to write. Documentation is available from http://equinox.tribbeck.com/.
FahZhi Tracker is a sequencer I last did any major work on in 2005. It is included in the autobuild system because its playroutine is used by Equinox - which is also available on the autobuild system.
This is an experimental version of RISCOS_Lib compiled using GCCSDK - mainly because I haven't found one!
This is an experimental version of RISCOS_Lib+, compiled with GCCSDK. RISCOS_Lib+ is my own extensions to RISCOS_Lib, and were used by !Sonor and a lot of other programs...
ROVLib is a RISC OS library for developing C applications. Documentation is available from http://rovlib.tribbeck.com/.
ROVLib tutorials
ROVLib is a RISC OS library for developing C applications, and these are built examples based on the tutorials available for it.
ROVLib2 is a RISC OS library for developing C++ applications. Documentation and tutorials are downloadable from the autobuilds area.
Sonor is a sample editing package
SonorSound is the relocatable module used in a number of programs.
SoundSystem is a new RISC OS Sound API that is designed to allow audio playback and recording, and have more modern file formats than the current RISC OS Sound system.
Thieves is a card game I wrote in 1993. It is a functionally equivalent game to one that Microsoft produced in that era. You can see it in action here.